Table of contents

Team Healing is here

Download Damp

Installing Damp

Damp Commands

Damp Plugins



 Team Healing is here

   Yes aren't we tired of when our teammate decides to knife us in the back? Wouldn't it be nice if we still had our health and they lost it instead? Well those times have come.

   Mods like TFC have had mirror damage and teamplay cvars for a while to implement different types of friendly fire. CS has been lacking in this aspect much to players dismay. Now there is a new way to give CS that power (created by Wraith and I) Damp, the funky acronym standing for "Damage Amplification"

   This is only the first beta release so provide feadback to Wraith or Kndroc by e-mail or preferably on the LogD forums

   It is stable with bots because both Wraith, and myself use bots as test subjects when creating these plugins. it has not been extensively tested on real players though so it really needs to be thrown into a real-world server environment to make sure its stable and to help iron out any bugs and improve it's featureset.

 Download Damp

   Damp is provided as a .zip or .tgz file. It contains only the two plugins mentioned later on this page and the essential .dll or .so file. There is no documentation apart form this page. If you have questions look at the feedback section at the bottom of the page.

For Windows users - (for CS 1.3)

For Linux users - damp-CS1.3.tgz (for CS 1.3)

For Windows users - (for CS 1.4)

For Linux users - damp-CS1.4.tgz (for CS 1.4)

   Being open source we also provide the source code for Damp, here you go. (for CS 1.3) (for CS 1.4)

 Installing Damp

   Damp requires LogD to provide injury event notification.

Download and install Admin mod.

Download and install LogD.

Get Damp from the link above and install it

  1. put the Damp .dll or .so in the %MOD%/dlls dirirectory

  2. Find metamod.ini in the %MOD% directory and add the appopriate line:
    • For Windows add the line "win32 dlls/Damp.dll"
    • For Linux add the line "linux dlls/"
    the line Must be under the Logd_mm dll line.

  3. in server.cfg the cvar mp_logdetail must be 2 or 3 to be able to catch and act on team wounding events. It must be a 3 to get all injury events.
    If you don't want those messages cluttering up your log file. At the bottom of server.cfg have the command "logd_block 58" which will tell LogD not to let the injure event get printed to your log file.

  4. Compile the Admin mod plugin plugin_tw.sma from the link above and install it like any other admin mod plugin.

  5. Start your server and test it out

 Damp Commands

   Damp uses server or client console commands to configure it's actions. these commands should be used at the console.


  • Server or Client console
  • Lists all the info for the default damage rule in action
   damp_def_rule [m1|m2|m3|m4|b1|b2|b3|b4] [0|1]
  • server console only
  • Sets the default action rule
  • all m* are floats and can be either positive or negative.

  • m1 = health modifier used on attacker for attacker giving damage to victim on the other team
  • m2 = health modifier used on victim for attacker giving damage to victim on the other team
  • m3 = health modifier used on attacker for attacker giving damage to victim on the same team
  • m4 = health modifier used on victim for attacker giving damage to victim on the same team
  • b* are 1 or 0, just use all 0 there for now because they don't do anything at this point.

 Damp Plugins


   Plugin_tw is an Admin mod plugin that allows you to use the Admin scripting interface and commands to interact with Damp. It contains these functions.

admin_tw_heal [0|1]

      give it a 1 or 0 to turn on/off healing from a team wound (victim gets all health back from damage)

admin_tw_harm [0|1]

      give it a 1 or 0 to turn on/off harming an attacker that causes a team wound (attacker gets 100% of the damage he causes).

Both functions can be anabled at the same time.


   This plugin demonstrates experimental features of Damp that are not complete. It basicallly allows specific rules to be applied to specific people. While its stable, my logic was flawed when i made it so it's not fully functional. However go ahead and try it out if you want. But until Damp gets fixed for it, its not really supported.

 Current Limitations

   Currently Damp works with a few retrictions, in furture these may change as our knwledge of the functions invloved improves but for now here is what cannot be done.

  1. Damp cannot bring people back from the dead
  2. max health = 100
  3. Damp will not kill people, so min health from damp = 1
  4. Damp does not heal or take away armor


   If you have questions queries feedback or anyhitng else relevant to talk to us about regarding Damp then you can either reach us by e-mail ( Wraith or Kndroc ) or preferably on the LogD forums.

   If you are having problem installing Damp please read the LogD installation instructions carefully and at least make a modicum of effort, i'm sorry but we get bored of answering simple questions over and over again for those people who feel they should not have read manuals.